Current Pictures
(that we'll share, anyway)

Mid Life Crisis, 2010 (updated 2013)
Wright All Day Tour 2014 (Darwin Martin house plus)
Toronto "The Global Village" Riverdale swim team #1 in Ontario 2010!
Cats (last update July 5, '09)
Niagara-on-the-Lake or bust 2010!
Barbados 2009
Laptop hardware failure, 2009
Nova Scotia 2006 Kendal's modeling gig in 'Spade', fall 2009
"Casa Wright" (updated January, 2008) Fall falls 2006

World Premiere of Trinette's 'The Storm'

Annual Thanksgiving Picnic/Dinner
(at least since 1987--updated to 2017)

My, look how Kendal has grown!! No wonder the grocery bills are so high!

Labour Day, 2003

Labour Day, 2004

Labour Day, 2005

Labour Day, 2006

"Lappard" getting warm

How technology changes in 70 years!  Kodak 1A Pocket (Late 1920s early1930s) and Z740 Digital (2005).

Since a main hobby of mine is audio technology history, why do I even have the old camera?  It  is explained here.



November, 2008